101 Ways to cope with stress

In our current era of iPhones, iPads, Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Digg, Google, Bing, (you get the picture) we have reached a point in time where virtually everything we could ever want to know is at our very fingertips at all times. These modern day conveniences have allowed us to fit more and more into our daily lives, which if used effectively, can mean an improved life balance. But for so many of us, the ever-diminishing lack of simplicity in our lives can also manifest itself in the form of stress.

In our last blog, we wrote about some of the health benefits of owning a dog or cat (5 Reasons why you should consider adopting your next pet from a shelter). We came across this great list which lays out even more (101 to be exact) simple ways that we can relieve stress in our lives. Enjoy!

Courtesy of the Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

  1. Get up 15 minutes earlier
  2. Prepare for the morning the night before
  3. Avoid tight fitting clothes
  4. Avoid relying on chemical aids
  5. Set appointments ahead
  6. Don’t rely on your memory … write it down
  7. Practice preventive maintenance
  8. Make duplicate keys
  9. Say “no” more often
  10. Set priorities in your life
  11. Avoid negative people
  12. Use time wisely
  13. Simplify meal times
  14. Always make copies of important papers
  15. Anticipate your needs
  16. Repair anything that doesn’t work properly
  17. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike
  18. Break large tasks into bite size portions
  19. Look at problems as challenges
  20. Look at challenges differently
  21. Unclutter your life
  22. Smile
  23. Be prepared for rain
  24. Tickle a baby
  25. Pet a friendly dog/cat
  26. Don’t know all the answers
  27. Look for a silver lining
  28. Say something nice to someone
  29. Teach a kid to fly a kite
  30. Walk in the rain
  31. Schedule play time into every day
  32. Take a bubble bath
  33. Be aware of the decisions you make
  34. Believe in yourself
  35. Stop saying negative things to yourself
  36. Visualize yourself winning
  37. Develop your sense of humor
  38. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today
  39. Have goals for yourself
  40. Dance a jig
  41. Say “hello” to a stranger
  42. Ask a friend for a hug
  43. Look up at the stars
  44. Practice breathing slowly
  45. Learn to whistle a tune
  46. Read a poem
  47. Listen to a symphony
  48. Watch a ballet
  49. Read a story curled up in bed
  50. Do a brand new thing
  51. Stop a bad habit
  52. Buy yourself a flower
  53. Take time to small the flowers
  54. Find support from others
  55. Ask someone to be your “vent-partner”
  56. Do it today
  57. Work at being cheerful and optimistic
  58. Put safety first
  59. Do everything in moderation
  60. Pay attention to your appearance
  61. Strive for Excellence NOT perfection
  62. Stretch your limits a little each day
  63. Look at a work of art
  64. Hum a jingle
  65. Maintain your weight
  66. Plant a tree
  67. Feed the birds
  68. Practice grace under pressure
  69. Stand up and stretch
  70. Always have a plan “B”
  71. Learn a new doodle
  72. Memorize a joke
  73. Be responsible for your feelings
  74. Learn to meet your own needs
  75. Become a better listener
  76. Know your limitations and let others know them, too
  77. Tell someone to have a good day in pig Latin
  78. Throw a paper airplane
  79. Exercise every day
  80. Learn the words to a new song
  81. Get to work early
  82. Clean out one closet
  83. Play patty cake with a toddler
  84. Go on a picnic
  85. Take a different route to work
  86. Leave work early (with permission)
  87. Put air freshener in your car
  88. Watch a movie and eat popcorn
  89. Write a note to a far away friend
  90. Go to a ball game and scream
  91. Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight
  92. Recognize the importance of unconditional love
  93. Remember that stress is an attitude
  94. Keep a journal
  95. Practice a monster smile
  96. Remember you always have options
  97. Have a support network of people, places and things
  98. Quit trying to fix other people
  99. Get enough sleep
  100. Talk less and listen more
  101. Freely praise other people

To view health tips for your cat or dog, visit AvenaPro Pet Solutions



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5 Reasons why you should consider adopting your next pet from a shelter

Have you been thinking about adopting a new addition to your family lately? Below are a few reasons why you should consider checking out your local animal shelter as a great option for finding the perfect dog or cat for your household.

1. Save a life. Did you know that nearly 5 million dogs and cats are put down each year because they do not have a place to call home? This alarming statistic should be reason enough to consider rescuing a pet from your local shelter. Luckily there are plenty more!

2. Best Selection. Contrary to popular belief, animal rescue shelters have a wide array of selection to help you choose the right pet. Whether you are looking for a puppy, adult, purebred, or specific mixed breed, your shelter has the most selection of animals anywhere – each one screened for good health and behavior. Most shelters will even help you with spaying and neutering.

3. Free Spaying and Neutering. In this day and age, with the words of Bob Barker still reverberating in our collective consciousness, you would think spaying and neutering was just a given by now. But as the previous numbers suggest, our homeless pet population is still wildly out of control. Most shelters will offer this service for free.

4. Alternative to Puppy Mills. Picture a dog, confined to a small wire cage, without toys, comfort or any human interaction for their entire lives. This is a typical scenario for a breeding dog kept at a puppy mill. It is easy to be swayed by those cute doll-like puppies at the mall, begging for your attention. Tempting as it may be, when you buy your pet from many of these one-stop-shops, you are helping to continue this vicious cycle of abuse.

5. You might live longer. According to a recent study which followed 4,000 cat owners over the span of 10 years, owning a cat can dramatically reduce a person’s chance of dying from heart disease. We can suspect that similar findings would be revealed with dog owners as well. I always knew the cat lady down the street was on to something!

Please feel free to comment or share your personal stories below! Warmly,


AvenaPro Pet Solutions


Filed under Pet Adoption

What makes our dogs and cats, itch, scratch and shed like crazy?

With skin less than half the thickness of our own, it’s no wonder that our pets are prone to dermatological problems for every reason under the sun. Typically, veterinarians classify these skin problems into 6 main categories.
1. Environment
2. Nutrition
3. Allergies
4. Fleas/Parasites
5. Neurogenic
6. Infection

Comparison between dog skin and human skin

Dog skin and human skin comparison

Understanding the main causes of skin problems in dogs and cats

1. Environment. Whether they’re digging away in the garden, rolling around in the front yard, or dutifully returning the tennis ball you threw on the beach, our furry friends are notoriously sensitive when it comes to all of the pollens, allergens and other irritants floating around out in the world.

So, what are your options in lieu of keeping them in a bubble?

Recommendation. Use the AvenaPro Soothing Spray as required, combined with the Natural Pet Shampoo every few weeks to provide sustained soothing relief and protection from itching, as well as nourish and hydrate the skin and coat to help reduce excessive shedding and dandruff.

2. Nutrition. With so many brands of dog food out there, it is no wonder that so many dogs and cats suffer from malnutrition. Many foods contain fillers such as corn as their main ingredient. While these foods may succeed in feeding their hunger, they can be seriously lacking in proper nutrition. Symptoms of malnutrition can present themselves in a number of ways including lethargy, itching due to poor immune system, a dry unhealthy coat, or excessive shedding.

Recommendation. We recommend investigating the ingredients in your pet food. One trick you can use is to make sure that the first ingredient on the label is meat (such as chicken, beef or lamb). This will help to ensure that your pet is getting the proper nutrients that they require. The AvenaPro Soothing Spray and Natural Shampoo will help kick start them in the right direction, helping them to overcome the itching, dryness, and dingy coat.

3. Allergies. As many of us are reminded in the Spring time, allergies can often sneak up on us when we least expect it. Allergies can present themselves in a number of different ways, making our dogs and cats awfully uncomfortable and quite helpless to deal with it in any other way but scratching. Itchy skin, itchy ears, hot spots, and excessive shedding, are all telltale signs of pet allergies. Unfortunately, finding the causes can be a challenge. Diet, pollens and other environmental allergens can all be potential sources of pet allergies.

Recommendation. Visit your veterinarian or local veterinary dermatologist to help you determine the root cause(s) of the allergies. Help relieve their discomfort and provide protection from potential environmental irritants safely, and without harsh chemicals or steroids with the AvenaPro grooming system (Pet Grooming System).

4. Fleas/Parasites. Often times, there is no way around it; at one point or another, your dog or cat will likely come across a group of parasites that will want to come along for the ride. They often make themselves present through intense itching and scratching, and can in some cases even lead to serious skin infections or other unpleasant diseases. Particularly, watch for scratching specifically in the head, neck or tail regions of your dog or cat, as these are common areas where fleas like to bite.

Recommendation. If you have suspicions that your pet’s discomfort might be caused by parasites, be sure to keep your house nice and clean, by vacuuming everywhere. Under couches, over couches, under pillows under carpets…everywhere. In order to take care of the fleas, there are a number of natural and homeopathic solutions available which can be taken topically or orally. The AvenaPro system will help to safely relieve your buddy’s discomfort, skin inflammation and hair loss and restore that long-lost healthy glow.

5. Neurogenic. Sometimes dogs and cats scratch for no apparent reason at all, other than they are experiencing itchiness. This is an unexplained phenomenon that can happen for many reasons unknown.

Recommendation. Common prescriptions for this kind of frequent itching and discomfort are often dips, steroids or other potentially harmful chemicals which may cause a loss of appetite, low energy, or hair loss among other adverse effects. The AvenaPro Soothing Spray and Natural Shampoo have clinically proven natural active ingredients to help relieve their discomfort, and restore a healthy skin and coat.

6. Infection. Skin infections often occur when the itching, and scratching has gone on unabated for too long. The pathway to skin disease looks something like this: Itching gives way to skin flakes and dander, and skin redness and inflammation. The skin inflammation leads to wounds, lesions and hair loss.

Recommendation. The AvenaPro Soothing Spray and Pet Shampoo is formulated to address these unpleasant symptoms expressed by an unhealthy skin and coat. Learn more about how you can put a stop to their discomfort here.

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Filed under Dog and Cat Allergies